hope: the murphy's.

I met Kristen five years ago (*tear*) and she was this spunky, kinda reserved graphic designer with short hair. I then met Michael three years later, and he was this funny (and loud) guy who purposefully called me Allie. Now – I see two hilarious, driven, kindhearted people who fell in love and will call themselves the Murphys in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS! (Unless you’re reading this after that two week mark then you’re in the future and I must know - are gauchos back in style or are we still in the clear?)

Michael loves surprising Kristen because to quote her “J’s gotta J” so if he can throw her off, he will. I reached out to them in December, and told them I wanted to photograph them because hi they’re super cool and who doesn’t want to photograph your best friends? Michael had been planning on proposing in May and knew he had a pretty great opportunity to throw her for a loop. We planned on him surprising her with a photo shoot date because “I wanted practice,” which is still true so holla at me if you’re in the mood to be a model. ANYWAY – this was to get Kristen to think he was going to propose at some point during the evening then when he wouldn’t, well, she’d have to breathe a bit deeper and pray for patience. (*maniacal laugh*)

I jumped at the opportunity to photograph them in all their love. These are two strong individuals who walk with such grace. Michael is one of those people who others just naturally float to because he has a heart full of joy that longs to walk deeply with others. Kristen seeks people out wholeheartedly – she wants to know you and care for you, and trust me – she’s good at it. I have laughed and cried (and laughed until I cried *coughmichaelcough*) with these people.

Their marriage will be full of laughter, a little weirdness, singing instead of talking, community, reaching out to those that might be overlooked, picking up those that are hurting, and praising God daily for what He has done to bring the two of them together. I am encouraged already by your relationship and will forever be on the Team Murphy sidelines – thanks for being pretty people who look good in front of the camera! LYLAS 5EVER.

Sidenote: Downtown Tyler after a rainstorm is clutch.