
On the list of people that I have known the longest, besides my family, Lindsay is right at the top. I moved to Texas when I was two, and my mom and her mom quickly became friends. From there, the rest is history. Lindsay and I are five days apart, were on the same gymnastics team for four years, have walked through birthdays, Halloweens, breakups, deaths, awkward middle school years, and now a marriage and baby. She is one of the people I laugh the hardest with and continuously points me to truth with the wisdom she has gained through just living life. When she met Shelton when we were in high school, he was quickly made a part of the family and I continuously think that there are no two people more meant for each other than these two. To quote myself in my Maid of Honor speech: "there is one thing I've never been more certain of and that's that Shelton was designed beautifully for you, and only you."

Today marks not only Lindsay's 26th birthday, but also their 2nd anniversary as the Brileys. In honor of that, I wanted to tell a little of their story and most recently that involves our favorite new entertainment - Nova Belle. Watching them become parents has been more fun than I realized possible. They are both genuine and loyal to their core, they love with every inch of them and protect endlessly. I know this because I've felt it my whole life, but it has only grown the older Nova has become. On top of this, I love getting to watch Nova's little personality grow. She is spunky, quirky, hilarious, and so loving - just like her mama. I figured now was as good a time as any to celebrate all three of them. I still consider it an honor to be in your sphere of influence - enjoy!